How Alaska Is Letting You Skate Around High Premium Prices to Destinations All Over the World

How to get to Asia in Business Class for $1,850 or First Class for $2,590 (versus $30,000+); and to Europe in Business Class for $1,850 or First Class for $3,145

You might think that Alaska Airlines doesn’t fly to the places you want to go, but freeze that thought for a moment, because this little airline holds the key to a glacier-sized opportunity for travelers who don’t book backwards. The airline is discounting miles right now to 1.85 cents through August 21.

Buy Alaska Miles, Not Flights

The idea is not to use your cheaply bought miles on Alaska Airlines’ limited flight options, but instead to redeem them for flights on Alaska’s partners: Iberia, Japan Airlines, Qatar Airways, and 23 other carriers.

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